Anime? Authentic adventure? Random thoughts? Love problems? Erm. I don't know. But this blog shares more of the heart of the philippines, Life of a typical weird college students, Cosplay events and alot of pure random things. This blog is about food,adventure,anime,games, love and a whole lot more! Only in alpaca blog. :)

Sunday, February 24, 2013

A way to celebrate valentines, Even when your single...

It's accustomed that every valentines the couples would go on a date, Men showering the women of their lives a box of chocolates, bouquet of flowers,heart shaped balloons and tons of ways to express their affection (Even through PDA). But seriously, As apart of the single and lonesome society/group every valentines we sworn that there is always a next year!

Artist: Drew Litton of RockyMountainnews of 2006
Yeah, there is always a next year!

But the phrase "There's always next year" is always in repeat like a broken mix tape playing again and again (For those who got their "There is always a next year, Good for you! For those who undergo the same faith as i do... Let us both share our desperation and Frustration). I was actually envious of the people who got their own flowers and chocolates from men, It made me feel so loveless and lonely. That's why some people call it "Single Awareness Day" and for some bitter people they would make their own February calendar and exclude 14 (Yes, They will go that desperate) and make bitter posts all over social networking sites (i.e Facebook,Twitter...) 

*Some post from Facebook shared by my friend last valentines
Just like these types of posts...

I have to admit, i was one of them... But it still doesn't help us and it makes us look more desperate and lonely (Very Lonely, Indeed). So i guess i wanted to change my valentines for that moment. I mean, Valentines isn't only for couples or people who are in love and etc. We Single who are not to anyone can also celebrate it without making us look desperate and lonely.For a change,I've decided to do a new way of celebrating my own valentines... and that's by giving chocolates to the people i love and know and also to those people whom i do not know.

As you all know, I study at "Far Eastern University" (FEU), manila. I gave chocolates to random people who i don't know at my institute (I'm from IAS [Institute of arts and sciences]) and outside my institute (The Freedom Park). I know it sounds crazy (But i am crazy, so it's alright!) But it was really fun. :)

It's nice to hear people would respond to you with "Oi, Thank you ah! Akala ko wala na akong matatangap ngayong valentines!" (Hey, Thank you! I thought i wont receive anything this valentines). All the shocked reactions, smiles and alot of "Thank you"s. It is overwhelming. It felt so nice. It changed my valentines for a moment. It was definitely my new way of celebrating it. I thought that "It really doesn't matter if don't get anything from anyone in valentines... As long as i see people happy and so full of hope! I am really happy".

So to all hopeless,desperate and lonely for next year's valentines and you can definitely feel that you'll be single and lonely and forever lonely again this valentines. I dare you to make a change. Do something wild or crazy! Just don't do anything too crazy like selling yourself for valentines! No! I challenge you to make a change! Make people happy! Not only in valentines! But also a habit! 

Love, Chiya! :) 

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For the sake of love... How far can you go?

I remembered my friend told me something that made me thinking that time because I wasn’t sure on how I should react or say something about “That” present situation. Well, you see one of my friend gave her virginity to her boyfriend because she loves him and for the sake of “Not losing their relationship” and to prove her love and loyalty to her boyfriend. I know in the states of America, Virginity isn’t a big deal for most people there. But since it’s culture that most Filipino’s are quote and quoted “Conservative” (Sometimes, over conservative) Women’s virginity is like their own pride. That’s why it’s a very big deal for most girls here. But that’s not the reason why I wrote this… How far will one go, sacrificing themselves for their love one? It sounds naïve right?
Yung ganitong eksena! Grrr!!

But unfortunately, this really happens and usually we call these people “Martyr”; People who’d rather suffer just to please the other person even if it hurts so much. For example, One of the typical Filipina martyr love story of being naïve… Where she is still in a relationship with a man who doesn’t treat her right, cheats on her like for so many times but whenever they break up he’d always find away to win her back and then he cheats AGAIN. Seems like a very fictional story but in real life it really happens. There are some real men who we’re born jerks ever since they learned on how to be one. Sometimes guys like that need a very good b*tch slap don’t they?
How to b*tch slap:

If you were in her position, would you still fight for a relationship that only results you pain and so much hurt? Isn’t love suppose to be a sacrifice that would make you happy not sad. Let me ask you something for girls who are in this situation, Are you really happy because he is happy on what he is doing? Or it’s killing you inside… That feeling that you’re really tired of this but you really don’t want to lose that relationship? See? This is how people would go as far as they can just because of this thing called love. It is “Selfless” and you can see how “Love” is really present. But it’s like your teaching him to just do what he wants or you’re spoiling him. I know, it’s not that bad that he/she is taking charge sometimes but when you really love someone, you correct them and you must not be scared of losing this. One wise guy told me before “A relationship should be balanced” No one is above and no is below, Right?

As far as one concern, I know… we always lose from our emotions and feelings. But we should always remember on how to love ourselves, That there should be limitations for ourselves. We should reserve some for ourselves specially when you aren’t married with the person yet.

Remember, Before doing something… Always think if this action will do good For you and for that person. If not, You know what to do.

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Saturday, February 23, 2013

The start The Alpca Blog

Alpaca-Blog –
 Weird ako pero simple lang ang pangarap ko.

My alpaca means Arts.Love. Pancakes. Anime.Cuisine.Authentic Adventure

Saying Hello to all of the viewers of this new page! Hello! J

This is my newest and weirdest blog ever. This is for the Filipinos who loves to Love, Listen to Music, Loves Arts and Loves All sorts of adventure. Say, this is a new way of sharing my life, passion and of course to share the stories of people I know and will know.

My name is Chiaki Hazaki I am about an incoming sophomore college student studying Mass Communication at FEU; Manila. I love to eat, listen to any kind of music, Loves arts, Cosplaying, Different kinds of culture, Travelling and fun. I was born in November 25, 1995 under the sign of Sagittarius. So no wonder I’m an extrovert.

I believe that life is just extraordinary beautiful. Being happy is a choice. So if you want to enjoy life, then make a decision. Live life! Be wild! Be like a child! Right? It’s not bad for once right?

I guess my mission and vision is to be able to share or make people smile from my post. Warm smiles maybe? J I want people happy and hearing them say thank you. That’s what I want. Oh and responses too J Sharing concepts and experiences. Humans are interacting people. They react and share.
There are more and more reasons to love Philippines and life. J

That’s all for now.
This is the ALPACA BLOG.
Updating Every Wensdays and Saturdays. (Sometimes Everyday)

 Follow me At:
Twitter: @Daelysyndrome

Love lots,

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